I know everyone is busy, but somehow you WONDER WOMEN seem to find time to
download your photos and write fun little posts that I so enjoy reading. So I guess this is a "confessional" of sorts.
I am a blog reader and not the blog writer that I thought I would be.
I just can't find time to do both.
I think updating every month is more my style! Someday:
I'll have a food blog,
I'll workout everyday,
My house will actually stay clean,
I'll have an art studio where I can sit in the sunlight and be creative,
but for right now I am a Mom. That is my main focus and everything else must WAIT!!!!!
I'm still WONDER WOMAN, I just won't be wearing that little outfit anytime soon!!!
So, until I get the "blogging bug" back again, please know that I love to read your blogs and hear about your fabulously exciting lives!
P.S. We are probably moving soon, our house is having structural "issues" that we are not comfortable with so we are probably going to rent somewhere for a little while till we can find another home that we love!!! Call me if you want more details, we haven't told the kids yet so keep it on the down low for a little longer. I'll give you contact info once I know a little more!!!!! UGGGHHH!!!