December 21, 2008

Catch Up!

I have good reasons for not blogging lately, here are a few of them......
Ahh, the deliciousness of this time of year!!!! We have been doing some baking and enjoying all the fun treats and time in the kitchen. The kids are turning into great little sous chefs!
Chocolate Pecan Pie

Pumpkin Bread
we sprinkled raw sugar on the top and it gave it a delightful extra layer of goodness!
We have done a few arts and crafts projects- anything to keep the kiddos busy and happy while it's freezing outside!

David and Will and Avery(those are her fingers on the bottom left) having a blast using up all my old Christmas die cuts!
Avery painting a birdhouse that Manuel put together for her. That is serious talent to paint with 2 paintbrushes;)

We have been doing some decorating, these are a few of my favorite projects. Still lots to do but we are making progress!

This makes me smile everytime I look at it!!!!

We spent some time with Grandpa in town over Thanksgiving.

The highlight of the visit was putting fire crackers in the apples in the backyard and blowing them up.

Eli flexed his muscles with Santa!
Alex had a singing performance at the tree lighting ceremony at Zions Bank where Santa made an appearance. All the pictures of Alex had another boys head in the way- sorry Alex!!!

Manuel had a Birthday- He is 41-yikes;). I'd list 41 reasons why I love him but he never reads this so I think I'll just give him 41 kisses instead!!!!
We decorated the tree and listened to Christmas music!!!!!

We have been enjoying our generous helping of snow, every few days!
Snow boot requests have been added to everyone's Christmas lists- Is it too late to make requests??

We have tried to take SEVERAL pictures of the kids for a christmas card, all in various locations, (the couch was a last resort) This one is in the running for the BEST PHOTO!!!!! I'm planning to keep trying so if you see a Christmas card anytime between now and Valentines Day, consider yourself lucky!
We spent 1 evening at David's preschool for the annual holiday concert. Seriously don't let this picture deceive you, this is the only second that he actually sang. I'll try to download the video clips that I have. It is one of the best concerts in Yanguez family history!!!!

Happy Holidays!
Love the Yanguez Family!!!!!


Dianna said...

It looks like you have been a very busy mom! I love to see all those pictures. This is such a great time in your family - they grow up so quickly. We love the Yanguez family and wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Dianna said...

By the way, how do you do the cool edging on your pies? They look Marthaish.

shannon said...

what a fun update...i love all the photos, and the decorating projects look awesome!

hatchbatch said...

It looks like you guys had a very wonderful Holiday! Yum those pies look amamzing!

Breeann said...

Yes you have been busy! I think you left a few details of things out. (fireworks and Davids concert) The stories would be much more interesting with all of the details!

The Drawes said...

Chels... Are you kidding me? I would LOVE to teach your kids!! You would just need to buy them tickets... Keegan has already used the free ones. But we'll stop by this week sometime and talk about it! And I would definitely love to do a business trade... I'll teach them and you fill my fridge with Jam!!