September 30, 2009

Goodbye September

and Hello to OctoberNovemberDecember. They seem to speed past me so I'm just going to combine them into 1 word!

So as we bid September farewell here's a quick update...
One last day at the pool before it closed for the summer. The boys are a little sad, they have really enjoyed the Flowrider.

David turned 6 years old on September 7th, we spent the morning relaxing since there was NO SCHOOL and then after wrangling an Iguana (see previous post) we spent the afternoon at Pirate Island Pizza. We had dinner in Smuggler's cave and then the kids played in the arcade forever. Super FUN and it was perfect for David!

We have been enjoying our garden and the tomatoes have been so yummy. It is so nice to be able to walk to the backyard when I need something. This year we grew 3 varieties of peppers, onions, carrots, 3 varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, zuchini, yellow squash and we tried corn (not sure what happened to the corn).

Avery and I flew to Las Vegas to visit my Mom and my brother Spencer for 3 days. Avery broke my camera so I am still waiting for pictures from Mom and Spenc (hint, hint), but we had a great time and Avery especially enjoyed playing with her cousin Colin.

I turned 34 on September 18th. Looking forward to a Great year!

We spent lots of time playing at the park. This is the boys rolling down the hill at Rock Canyon Park in Provo. We have also been enjoying South Fork Park up Provo Canyon.

Eli and David are taking a Hip Hop and Breakdancing class. It is super hilarious and they are really enjoying it. David is loving all the moves & practices standing on his head and spinning around at least every day. Eli is loving it too, but maybe a little more b/c he has some friends in there. It's a good thing! I'll get some pictures as soon as I get a new camera!

I'm off to break out the Halloween decorations- BOO!

September 23, 2009


On Memorial Day which also happened to be David's birthday this year, we had a VISITOR!

I jumped in the shower and as I'm lathering shampoo through my hair I hear yelling and excitement and commotion and "there's an emergency" type of pounding on the bathroom door. So I shut the water off and try to resolve the problem as best I can with a head full of shampoo.
Alex: Mom, I need you RIGHT NOW
Me: What's going on Alex?
Alex: Just hurry MOM
Me: Alex what is the problem, I'm kind of in the shower.... Where is your DAD?
Alex: I don't know where Dad is but you better hurry
Me: Alex can't you.....
Alex: MOM, there is a giant iguana on my window? Can you get out and help me???
Me: (thinking to myself) (An iguana.... he is so joking, if there really is an iguana how do I catch it? Do they bite? Why on earth is there an iguana in UTAH? This kid is such a joker, there are not even lizards in this part of Utah)
Alex: Mom are you coming, nevermind Eli found Dad now!

So I finish my shower and put my bathrobe on.... the house is SILENT. I guess I better go take a peek out the window.
There are about 20 people who live on our street on my front lawn, maybe there really is an iguana! I run back to my room to get dressed so I can go out in the front yard and this is what I see (it's tail is actually about 3 times as long as it's body and it is so strong) .........

Seriously, I wouldn't ever have expected this! What an fun surprise! We found out it had actually escaped from the neighbor's house a few doors down about 6 weeks before this. Thankfully Manuel was able to use his iguana catching skills and get it before it ran away again!

There's never a dull moment around here:) We wouldn't want it any other way!