September 30, 2008

Smarty Pants

Kids- Happily playing outside on the deck with the train table that Manuel brought from the old house

David- "Choo, choo, get out of my way"
Will- "Choo, Choo no you get out of my way"
Avery- oh so qiuetly stealing pieces of the train track or train and throwing them off the deck
David- "Moooooom, Avery is throwing our trains off the deck, Moooooom"
Mom- "Avery pick up the trains that you threw off the deck"
Avery- big smile with her head cocked to one side and her hands behind her back
Mom- "Avery, you have to pick up the toys that you threw off the deck"
Avery- arms in the air "But, MOOOM, I'm LITTLE"
Mom- "Avery, Please go and pick up the trains"
Avery- sits on the chair on the deck " But, I'll just go to TIME OUT"
Mom- bite my lip so she doesn't see my smile and back to the dishes, I guess if she's putting herself in timeout and I'm laughing then we can pick up the trains later:)

September 17, 2008

Finally 5 Years Old

David actually turned 5 on September 7th. Even though I'm a lot behind, he still deserves a little birthday spotlight on the family blog!

David has been waiting to turn 5 for what seems like forever, most of his friends are already five and he has had to wait. He also missed the cutoff for Kindergarten so he will do preschool for 1 more year. He was a little sad about not going to school with one of his best buds, William, but he has quickly forgotten about it. David is a simple guy, he pretty much goes along with whatever is happening, he loves to wrestle and be tickled and he is an awesomely fast runner! David loves to eat croissants and chocolate milk, hot cocoa at any time of the year and basically anything else with chocolate involved. (wonder where he got that from;))

This was his choice for his Birthday Breakfast, OJ-complete with a fancy cup, courtesy of Mom- Scrambled "eggys" and cinnamon rolls. Delish!

David got a new bike and lots of fun Ben 10 toys, books, hulk toys and a fun new pillow to read in bed with.
I have to explain "the cake". Usually cakes are more interesting at our house but this year David requested a Ben 10 cake. Not a problem you might say except for the fact that David doesn't care much for cake. After a little brainstorming I decided that he would much rather eat brownies or cookies. So I made a brownie cookie bar combination complete with several Ben 10 aliens and some green sugar sprinkles. Alex helped me with the aliens and Eli doused the completed project with the green sugar. Brownies, cookies and ice cream- score in my book!!!!

We Love you and


September 15, 2008

Starry night and a Piano (& Cello)

Manuel and I don't go on dates nearly as much as we should, partly because we get tired of just going to dinner and partly because it's soooo much work to even get out of the house. But, I was really itching to have some much needed quiet time with my handsome hubby. You know where you don't really have to talk about everything that's happening but you just need to reconnect and remember how it was before we had 4 aliens invade our lives:)
So, I was perusing the Thanksgiving Point webpage wishing I had signed up for a cooking class that would offer me some escape from the current chaos and I fell upon their calendar. Hmmmmm, an outdoor concert sounded like a FABULOUS plan. So I bought the tickets, penciled in a DATE NIGHT over our adult session of Stake Conference (it felt a little like the few times I actually ditched a class at school- hehehe) arranged a babysitter, gathered up my favorite warmest blankets and started imagining a peaceful evening listening to none other than Jon Schmidt on the piano!!!

It turned out that it was even better than I had imagined! The night was crisp and the stars were out, there was a waterfall behind the outdoor "stage" and it was so peaceful to cuddle with my WARM, drop dead gorgeous, sweet polo-smelling husband. We didn't really have to talk about much but it was exactly the kind of time we needed together. Jon Schmidt was incredible and really funny and their was a hilarious guy playing the cello.
We'll mark this down as one of our best dates and make a mental note to go again next year! Happy dating and I hope your husband smells as good as mine does;)

September 03, 2008

Lots to SMILE about

Even though school has started and there is a hint of autumn in the air we haven't let summer go quite yet. Here are few fun things we have had going on this past week.

We went for a drive on Sunday afternoon and couldn't resist playing in the COLD water up Provo canyon!

Thank goodness for Crocs- This is Eli and David braving the icy water, Alex wouldn't let me take his picture;(

My sweet Grandma had her piano shipped to me!!!!!Hallelujah!!!! I have longed for a piano since I was a little girl and even though I'm going to be 33 here soon I am determined to learn to play it! Yeah it has been well used and could use a little cosmetic work but it sounds so beautiful and it makes my heart so happy when one of the kids sits down and starts playing like I did when I was little!!!! Thanks so much Grandma!

Yummy------ Strawberry jam, okay so it's only freezer jam but Alex and I think it's the best!!!! Especially on pancakes and french toast!!!!

Manuel's sister Doris and her family surprised us for a weekend visit. It was fun to hang out with them. Avery loved listening to Bryan's music. Sorry I didn't get more pictures of the rest of the family!

Ahhh a bit of nostalgia... this swing used to hang on a big tree in front of my Great Grandma Beck's house in Tooele. Avery is such a DOLL and I'm so proud that my camera got such a good shot. David is anti-picture boy so I tricked him. He couldn't get off the swing fast enough to duck out of this picture, he sure is a handsome little rascal!

Avery discovered how SOFT a rose petal is!

Grandpa came to visit and surprisingly enough got the kids to stand in a picture. David won't look at the camera, but at least he is there!;)