April 13, 2008

So excited...

Yeah- the weather is so Gorgeous today. The kids have been playing outside and it is so FABULOUS to just sit on the deck and watch the kids enjoy the yard! We are really enjoying the surprises that we have been finding in our new yard. There are lots of flowers that have bloomed that are so much fun. Avery discovered some new flowers outside yesterday and came and found me to show me "Avery's flowers". There are a few trees that are just starting to bloom and I can't wait to see the whole tree in bloom! It is really rejuvenating to see everything waking up from the winter, this year I have enjoyed it more than ever!
A few things happening this week:
* Eli went to see the allergist on Friday and we found out he is allergic to TONS of stuff outside, we knew he had issues but I had no idea there were so many things affecting him. Obviously the cats, dogs and horses were really reactive, but the outside stuff was alos really high. Soooo... he will start allergy shots this week. It will take a while but hopefully the boy will see some marked improvement in his breathing, sneezing and congestion.
* It is Spring Break- no more waking up early, driving back and forth etc. etc.
We are going to RELAX and ride bikes in the canyon, we actually have some nice weather through the week. One day we are going to the Aquarium and one day we are going to visit the Clark Planetarium.
* I found a fun cookbook that I have wanted for a while, it is Angel Shannon's "Stick of Butter" cookbook. She is frequently on Good Things Utah and I like how easy she makes everything look. So when I started looking through her cookbook I was super excited. I have wanted a new cookbook- tired of my current ones- and loved some of her recipes. So if the kids will cooperate and let me try some new recipes we should have a fun week. I don't get to bake new things much and I truly miss the creative time I used to spend in the kitchen. So we'll see how much I can actually get done this week!

Enjoy your week and get out there and enjoy the sunshine with your family or make some yummy treats with the ninos!!!!!


Breeann said...

I am loving the weather also but unfortunately don't have a fabulous yard to enjoy it in. It seems I will be soaking up the sun in the comfort of your yard this summer.

Kristy said...

Hurrah for good weather! We're enjoying it in Colorado, too. I LOVE baking as well. It's a good creative outlet and the bonus of eating something delicious after you're done is the best part.